Nils Amadeus Lange

Nils Amadeus Lange works as an artist, performer and lecturer in Zurich. After studying theatre at the Bern University of the Arts he expanded his practice to various media, keeping a focus on dance and performance, develo­ping numerous international projects. At the centre of his practice is the body, which functions as a means of deconstructing social con­ventions and gender stereotypes.

For the past six years he has been teaching, developing curricula in various univer­sities, within departments varying between fashion, acting, fine arts, photography and performance; implementing alter­native forms of learning and experimental approaches. 

His works have been shown at various institutions such as Kunsthalle Basel, Kunst­halle Zürich, Manifesta Zürich, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art Warsaw, Isti­tuto Svizzero Rome, Belvedere 21 Vienna, Centre d‘Art Contemporain Genève, Swiss Dance Days, Zürich moves!, Gessnerallee, Frascati Amsterdam, ZÜRICH TANZT, Berli­ner Festspiele, Kunsthalle Bern, Les Urbaines Lausanne, Südpol Luzern, Tanzhaus Zürich und CounterPulse San Francisco, Cabaret Voltaire Zürich.